
Monday, March 4, 2019

Taste the rainbow

A friend of mine recently encouraged me to jump back to this blog and start posting some of the things I’ve been doing over the last couple months years. I’m really thinking she is just sick of me using Marco Polo as my own person blog to her.  But really, being creative and finding things I’m good at probably is good for the soul. Today I decided I’d try to fit this in along with all my other motherly duties that await.

I have 4 kids. Two are in school, two are ... not. They are 2 and 4 and they cause most of the mayhem in my life. I’m going to be thankful one day for super strong willed girls...I really am!! I love doing healthy activities with my kids, this is no secret...but finding activities my 4 year old agrees to is another. (See note above about one day embracing strong willed girls...) I found an activity with dice rolling and one with rainbows to which my 4 year old sort of agreed... but the link had expired and I could not contact the site to find the actual game board. I found a similar one that would work, and that sealed it. You can find the game board HERE.

The way you play the game can be altered depending on how old your kids are or in my case, how patient you are feeling that day. eek.....
We simply rolled a dice and I had my girls count how many dots they found. I was impressed at how well my 2 year old did at this activity...for the first 7.46 min. (after that time frame, she just started eating all the skittles and throwing her dice.) eek X 2
The numbers on the dice correlate with a color of skittle or whatever food you want to feed your kids. You could use marshmallows, chocolate chips, skittles, M&M's, fruit (except then you would lose mom points...soooo.....)
I had skittles, so we used skillets. 
Heres how a round would look: 

Child rolls dice
Child counts how many dots they have
They correlate the number of dots to the color that correlates with number of dots: 
Child then counts out 1 of the color they need and place it anywhere on the rainbow. (We did two skittles per roll or else we would have been there till my youngest got married, which by her attitude now, may be a very, very long time. 👰

You can change it up however fits your needs, but it was a fun activity for them and for me as I was able to gauge how my children were doing counting and color coding. 


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